AI In Robotics, Autonomous Systems, Self Driving, Present SDKs), Defence Systems

AI in Robotics, Autonomous Systems, Self Driving

  1. The brief idea of mimicking humans started in the olden ages and briefly called as a myth called the possibility of Mechanical men in greece (taken from Ai by Nils J Nilson) started the ideation of humans thinking towards intelligent machines there came the computer and then the computing power lead us to the development of complex human neuro mimicking algorithms.

In Robotics all sort of AI is helpful and primarily some of the tech involved is

  1. Computer Vision - Object Detection , Face detection , 3D Vision
  2. NLP and NLU - Especially STT —> Interpretation —> TTS
  3. Reinforcement Learning - for planning
  4. Neural network based Control Systems or Classical non linear controller tuned with the help of Neural networks

Some of the important broad areas in Robotics are :

  1. Mobile Robotics
  2. Aerial Robotics
  3. Underwater Robotics
  4. Space Robotics

AI Opportunities in Mobile Robotics

  1. Vision - 2D and 3D
    • LIDAR
    • Stereo Vision
    • Lane Detection
    • Obstacle Avoidance
    • Global and Local Positioning
    • Control Systems - Neural network based Controllers
    • Path Planning
  2. NLP
  1. Reinforcement Learning

SDK’s and Frameworks

Nvidia ISSAC



AI in Defence Systems

  1. Primary works in AI are mostly started by Defence industry for stealth and surveillance purposes.
  2. One of the best work in AI which is started by DARPA which boosted the entire AI Research life cycle is DARPA GRAND Challenge.

Some of the AI specific use cases are:

  1. Autonomous Drones
    • Computer Vision
    • Path Planning
    • Target Identification
    • Strategical Attacks including Swarming, Formations etc.
  2. Autonomous Mobile Robots
    • Missile Launch Technologies
    • Advanced Optical Flow Sensory Understanding
    • Use of Lidar and Stereo Tech
    • Use of Reinforcement Learning based dynamics to control Legged Robots.
  3. Autonomous Naval Tech
    • Misslie launch + Autonomous or Virtual Control systems (Virtual Reality)