Low Power CV - Industrial Automation, Low power microcontroller based ML

Low Power CV - Industrial Automation, Low power microcontroller based ML

Low Power CV

What is Low Power CV ?

  1. Edge or Mobile Computer Vision
  2. Microcontroller based Computer Vision

Edge or Mobile Computer Vision

Frameworks: Linux, Assembly Level, RISC-OS (V)

Power Ranges: 5V - 24 V DC , 1-8 A

Libraries and Deployment: Most of the deep learning libraries and deployment frameworks

Programming Languages : Python, C++

Deployment Frameworks:

  1. Tensorflow Lite
  2. Triton models (.trt, .engine)
  3. OpenVino IR Models

Microcontroller based Computer Vision (Embedded Computer Vision)

Power Ranges: 3.3 - 9V DC, 0.1 - 2 A

Programming Languages : Micropython , C++ , Assembly C

Libraries: TFLite, TinyML- Formats any, Open Vino (Still under experimentation)

Frameworks: Linux, Assembly Level, RISC-OS (V)

What are these devices for?

These are basically very low powered devices used for mostly Single task based Computer Vision in a more efficient manner and consuming as less current as possible.

  1. Sipeed MAIX Go Suit
  2. Open MV M7 —
  3. Open MV H7 Plus —-
  4. Open CV AI Kit
  5. Tiny Vision based FPGA Board (FPGA - Field Programmable Gate Arrays) etc.

These devices are less costly and low maintenance too as they don’t need extra efforts to cool the systems and also to power the systems.