Active Research


Advisor: Prof. Constantinos Chamzas

At Perception and Autonomous Robotics Group (PeAR) - WPI

Min Nav

Projects - Academic/Personal

  1. Autonomous Bot-v1 using DL and ROS(Ongoing) - Fun Project
    Development of an Autonomous bot using ROS, Object Detection, Lane Detection, and path planning using Jetson Nano, RPI4 with a night vision system implemented. ROSX3 Robot

  2. Auto RC Car using Tiny ML (Ongoing) - Fun Project:
    Integrating RC Car (1:10) with vision and sensory models and using Tiny ML for low-powered micro-controllers to understand the capability of edge computing. ROSX3 Robot

  3. Indoor Robot Navigation - Motion Planning
    Comparison of Traditional Planners such as RRT, A* with End to End learning approaches for Indoor Embodied navigation.
    Github Page | Report Indoor Nav Animation

  4. 3R Link Manipulator - Manipulation and Dynamic Analysis
    Design and detailed analysis of a 3 R Link Robot which can reach specified positions in the Workspace.
    Github Page | Report

    Robot Arm Animation

  5. Alien Catcher
    Catching UAV’s in a space with a Drone using LQR Control Strategy.
    Github Page | Report

    Alien Catcher

  6. Multi Class Classification on Large Number of Classes
    Part of Minor Thesis project - Post Graduate Diploma. This Project involves trying to get the State of the Art (SOTA) accuracy on Cdiscount dataset. Explored multiple models such as Efficient Net, ResNet etc.
    Github Page | Report | Live Deploymnent

    PG Diploma Thesis

  7. Knee Rehabilitation System:

    Fabrication of a device with 2 DOF mechanism which can be used for performing Flexo-extension exercises can be used for Knee rehabilitation purposes.

    Hip Flexo Extension Knee Flexo Extension
  8. Online Shopping skillset for Alexa - (24hr event)

    As part of NITC hackathon conducted by JMR InfoTech, worked as a 3-member team and developed a skillset for Amazon Alexa to understand different skills related to online shopping.

  9. RIGGU V2-The Semi Humanoid :

    A complete framework for the development of an Interactive Semi-Humanoid Robot using technologies like AI, NLP, ROS, SLAM.

  10. Quadcopter: Autonomous Quadcopter based on PixHawk Flight controller integrated with a Raspberry Pi.
  11. Hexacopter:
    Hexacopter based on ARM and equipped with manual control. PID tuning was done for stability. This project involves the testing and performance analysis of hexacopter on PID and backstep algorithms.

  12. Robocon Bot:

    A manual bot that can throw disks at specified positions which were made by our Robotics Interest Group for National-level Robotics Competition called Robocon-2017.
